27 & 28 May : "Salon du Cheval", Nantes  

10 & 11 June : Beach Show, France

8 & 9 July : Flower Power Show, France

9 & 10 September : Hippies Show, France 

Many more "Salon du cheval" by end of the year.  





  D'Artagnan Bo Dacious Isilmo 

( owned by Christophe Rossi and Sophie Monchicourt ) 




SCS DK Wild Fire

( owned by Hervé Leclercq and Sophie Monchicourt )  




SCS Dude's Joli-Coeur

( owned by Sophie Monchicourt )  





FLCreek EE TThe Memory Over Sea 

( owned by Sophie Monchicourt )





FLCreek TT Sky Rim

( owned by Sophie Monchicourt )  

Training prices for halter horse  :


Full Boarding = 360€/month 

Clipping + Grooming = 150€/show 
Transport = Depending of the distance.

Training prices for driving horse : 


Full Boarding = 450€/month 

Clipping + Grooming = 150€/show 

Transport = Depending of the distance. 

Valuation / working prices for halter horse  (when you want : it can be in winter or summer...)

Full Boarding = 360€/month ( including clipping, photoshoot and show food )

Valuation / working prices for driving horses ( when you want : it can be during winter or summer ) 

Full Boarding = 450€/month ( including clipping, photoshoot and show food )